What's Going on in Class?

What's Going on in Class?

Tune into this page for updates about what is happening each week in class!

U.S. History

Monday, September 1 - Welcome & Intros!  You get to know me, I get to know you!  I'll hand out the syllabus and talk about classroom policies so you can know what to expect each day in this class.

Tuesday, September 2- Discussion: What do you know about history?  We're going to try and gauge the historical knowledge and interests of the students.

Wednesday, September 3- Back to Basics: Columbus.  We'll take a close look at Christopher Columbus and his story.  Did he really discover America?

Assignment: Read "Lies My Teacher Told Me" Chapter 1 and be prepared to discuss in class.

Thursday, September 4-  Columbus discussion.  We'll discuss his voyage across the Atlantic and his landing in....

Assignment: Based on what you learned in class today, write a jounal entry from the perspective of Columbus or one of his crew about the journey to the "New World."

Friday September 5-  Columbus: Friend or Foe?  Hero or Murderer?  We'll take a look at a side of Columbus you might not know about....



Monday, September 1 - Welcome & Intros!  You get to know me, I get to know you!  I'll hand out the syllabus and talk about classroom policies so you can know what to expect each day in this class.


Tuesday, September 2- Discussion: What do you know about our government?  We're going to try and gauge the political and governmental knowledge and interests of the students.


Wednesday, September 3- We'll read Chapter One: The Basics of the American Government out of our textbook in class.  Following will be a short video about what people "think" the government is/does and a discussion.

 Be Prepared: Quiz on Friday over key words and concepts in the first chapter (don't worry- I'll tell you what words and concepts will be covered!).

Thursday, September 4- Government Jeopardy over chapter one.  Winning team gets special prize!

Be Prepared: Quiz tomorrow!


Friday, September 5- Quiz

Assignment: Read Ch. 2 in textbook and come prepared to discuss the material in class on Monday.